Q. Who are the people in the HHS main office?
A. Principal: Lauren King
Secretary: Mary Henehan
Clerk: Heide Carbone
Nurse: Suzy DePalma
A. Principal: Lauren King
Secretary: Mary Henehan
Clerk: Heide Carbone
Nurse: Suzy DePalma
Main Phone: 781-334-5835 Fax: 781-334-7205
Principal: kingl@lynnfield.k12.ma.us;
Secretary: henehanm@lynnfield.k12.ma.us;
Clerk: carboneh@lynnfield.k12.ma.us;
Web Page address: www.lynnfield.k12.ma.us
To contact a teacher: Check the web site for an individual teacher’s email address or call the school office to be put into their voice mail. In most cases, it’s his/her last name and first initial followed by @lynnfield.k12.ma.us.
A: Yes. We have an informative newsletter – Huckleberry Highlights! It is uploaded onto our website every Monday at www.lynnfield.k12.ma.us
Hard copies are available in the office, if needed.
A: Formal conferences are scheduled once per year. A parent/guardian may arrange to speak to their child’s teacher at any other time by contacting the school office at 781-334-5835. There is also an Open House early in the school year. Check the website.
Additionally families may request to meet with the Principal at any time.
A:Huckleberry Hill School hours: Grs. K-4 8:20am-2:30pm. Early Release at 11:30pm. Summer Street School hours: Grs. K-4 8:50am-3:00pm. Early Release at 12:00am.
Note: Every year the two elementary schools alternate schedules.
A: Early dismissal time for all grades K-4 at HHS will be at 11:30pm.
A: This information is published several times in our Monday Update, is posted on our website and is also available from the DOE. Special Attn: Grs 3 and 4 parents: Please be cognizant of all mandated testing dates before arranging any time away from school for your child.
A: Individual classroom teachers will be permitted to release that information after parental approval is received.
A: Send in a note (or call asap if it’s an emergency). You will need to come in to the main office and sign your child out.
A: The child needs to go directly to the front office and check in. He/she will be given a pass to go to class.
A: No. A child may only ride on a bus to which he/she is assigned and my only get off at his/her regularly assigned bus stop. However, you may arrange for your child to be picked up from school (by yourself or another person) with a note indicating any procedural change. If we don’t hear from you, the child will be sent home in his/her usual manner and after school arrangements can be made at that time.
A: We have a voice mail system on after school hours. Please call the school at 781-334-5835 at any time (24/7) and leave a brief message stating when your child will be absent and why. This is a safety measure. If you don’t call us, we will locate you. A written note must be sent in prior to any long-term absence.
A: Yes. Write a brief note to the classroom teacher. This is especially helpful in the case of any contagious illness.
A: All medication that must be administered during school hours can be given only by the school nurse. Parent/guardian must provide the school with a written and current order from the physician and medications must be in their original prescription container. For more information, speak with the school nurse, Suzy DePalma.
A: All parents/gaurdians interested in volunteering with children must complete a CORI form, new instructions for this will be forthcoming.
A: We have a “lost and found” area. Please check it periodically. Remember to label ALL your child’s belongings with his/her name and teacher. Unclaimed items are regularly donated to a charity.
A: Some teachers may offer a “show and tell” time in the weekly schedule as an opportunity to share a favorite possession. Items brought from home should NEVER be breakable or valuable. Some items that have caused disruption in the past include: electronic games, Webkins, Elves and Pokeman cards. These and similar items are not permitted in school.